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Image by Erik Karits

Customizable Fertilization Programs

We use the highest quality fertilizer to help build a strong healthy foundation for your lawn.  Along with fertilization we provide nutritious soil amendments which will balance the PH, 

ensure and redefine the soil content.

Seeding & Aeration

A beautiful lawn starts with healthy grass

Core Aeration is extremely beneficial for your lawn. Aeration mechanically removes small plugs of thatch and soil which allows improvement within  the soil structure and it also opens up the airways, to allow for proper watering and fertilizations to reach the roots zone. It also will allow for a deeper root system, which in turn will allow

for a more lush,

Healthy Lawn.


Most Lawns benefit from an annual Seeding and Aeration. Lawns that have high traffic,or those growing on heavy clay may require more than one Seeding and Aeration per year.

Shrub Care

Shrubs are one of the most important parts of a cohesive and attractive landscape design.


They frame the foundation of a home, bring beautiful seasonal color, provide privacy, and so much more. Proper shrub care is crucial in order to protect and maintain this integral piece of your landscape. Whether it’s prized azaleas, lilacs or boxwoods, we have the expertise to meet the needs of each unique species and keep them thriving.

Tick Control

Tick Control is highly recommended to keep your property free of ticks. If your property is in a heavily wooded area, or you have a large amount of trees and shrubs, your property is at a greater risk for having Ticks. The Deer Tick is so small that it is often difficult to identify with the naked eye.


We will be happy to provide you with a customized preventative program to help you be pro active in eliminating Ticks on your property.

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